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Makhana Production in Bihar

Makhana or lotus seeds or fox nuts have amazing natural health benefits that have been discover globally, it is herald as a new snack and its demand is increasing rapidly. The best makhana production in Bihar, is the largest producer of the makhana worldwide. Today makhanas are eaten as a healthy snack, it has many health benefits, if you want to know more about the health benefits of makhana then. In India the best makhana production is Bihar, because it is the only state which is climatically suitable for makhana to grow.  

Makhana is grown on a farm of Bihar, in North India. Because of its climatic reasons and geographical area lotus seeds are grown here. Around 63% of total makhana production comes from Bihar wetlands, accounting 90% of India’s production. Indian Government is implementing all sorts of subsidies and legislation to support its growth, harvest and exporting as it has become the world’s largest growing ingredient and a cash crop for Indian agriculture economy. 

The cultivation of fox nuts is an environmentally friendly process as it does not affect the ecosystem. As this crop needs more water to grow, people in Bihar use rice crop fields to grow makhanas. This helps to alternate harvest and increase supply. The harvesting procedure generally takes place in the end of November or starting of December. The whole cycle of growing crops is natural occurring, seasonal and sustainable. 

How to Grow Makhanas

1. Make wetlands or ponds in your farm and take seeds sown from the previous harvest to market.

2. The depth of the water should be 4-6 feet and must have stagnant water all the time. It does not require techniques like seedling transplant or sowing seeds.

3. Lotus seeds seedlings can also be prepare as other nursery plants and can be transplant in the water field between the months of February to April. 

4. The most important work in growing makhana is cultivation, and it’s not easy. It calls for the collection of seeds from mud lying at the bottom of the pond and it requires labor. 

5. After that seeds are dry under the sun explosion to evaporate the moisture and releases up to 31% of the moisture. Then they can be store for 20-24 days maximum. 

6. Then sun dry seeds are divide from 5-7 grades, based upon their size. Cultivators use sieves for this and it is follow by roasting and heating. 

7. Heating is done on an earthen or cast iron pan at 250°C to 3000°C temperature and requires continuous heating and stirring for 4-6 minutes. 

8. Then heat seeds are store for 3-4 days, in this process they naturally lose their inner edible part of makhana. 

9. For final roasting it is again heat in a pan at 2900°C-3400°Temperature. Then they are put in a single layer and continuously stir for 2 minutes, seeds will start popping. After putting them on the ground, with the help of a hammer processor beats the seeds to separate and extract the makhanas from the hard coating. Then makhanas are rub against the bamboo basket for imparting whiteness and crispness. 

10. They are pack in gunny bags according to their sizes for storing and transporting. 

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